How to Lose 8 Inches In 10 Days With These 8 Moves

This is based on Tracy Anderson Method,  “the moves are strategically placed in order to fatigue the muscles, allowing you to work each one deeply for overall strengthening, balance and proportion,” explains Tracy. “Building strength and allowing the body’s muscles to work together as one cohesive instrument will give lasting results and a lean and even-toned frame.”

Try to do this at least 4 times a week, but for fuller effect, do this six days a week, following each strength session with 30 to 60 minutes of cardio, and you could lose up to 8 inches over your whole body in 10 days.

Leg Kick

Start on all fours, with hands placed right over left directly below chest, knees slightly wider than hip-width apart and feet pointing out . Pull abs in, lift right leg and extend it out diagonally from body. Return to start. Do 30 to 40 reps.


Start in plank with legs slightly wider than hip-width. Lift left arm out to side while raising right leg diagonally away from body until both arm and leg are higher than back. Pulse up for 30 to 40 reps.

Bend, Stretch, and Kick


Start on all fours with right leg extended straight back, resting tips of left toes on ground (A). Bend right leg and tuck it behind left knee (B). Bend elbows, drop chest to ground and extend right leg straight up (C). Press chest back up until arms are straight while lowering right leg back to start.     Do 30 to 40 reps.

Squat With Leg Extension


Start in down dog, with knees slightly bent and legs in a wide stance. Lift right foot, tuck right leg in toward chest (think mountain climber), allowing left leg to bend deeper (A). Straighten left leg as you extend right leg up to ceiling (B). Return to start. Do 30 to 40 reps.

Hip Drop and Kick


Start kneeling; reach left hand to floor so it’s in line with left knee. Place right hand along right leg. (Keep chest up and left arm straight). With hips stacked, lower them to 6 inches off the floor (A). Push hips back to start as you extend right leg straight out to side (B). Do 30 to 40 reps.
Keep gaze down so that neck stays in a neutral position.

Crawl Leg Extension


Lie facedown with hands under shoulders, elbows bent, right leg at 90 degrees with inner thigh on the floor and left leg extended straight back on the floor (A). Push up until arms are straight, bend left leg until kneeling (keep foot off the floor) and extend right leg straight back (B). Lower down, pulling right knee back into a 90-degree angle. Return to start. Repeat 30 to 40 times.

Plie With Kick


Stand with heels together and toes pointed out. Lower hips down while allowing knees to open and heels to rise (A). Drop down to kneeling position (B). Place hands on the ground and extend right leg straight back, then lift (C). Perform entire movement in reverse. Do 30 to 40 reps.

Leg Swing


Start on all fours with hands in fists. Extend right leg straight back, reaching lower leg toward left side. In one fluid motion, drop your left forearm to the ground (A) and swing right leg out to right side as leg fully extends (B). Return to start. Do 30 to 40 reps. Don’t place entire body weight on or sink into the elbow.

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