8 Foods to Eat for Healthier Eyes

8 Foods to Eat for Healthier Eyes

Some people think that developing cataracts, macular degeneration, dryness of the eyes, or any other eye concerns is inevitable because it is just part of the aging process. The truth is, poor diet and less than optimal lifestyle choices contribute to the loss of eyesight more than aging does. By adopting a healthier regimen and eating a plethora of nutrient-rich foods, protecting the eyes, and even healing of the eyes, is plausible.

Here are a few foods that you can easily add to your diet for healthier eyes and eyesight.


This fruit contains compounds that boost visual acuity and improve vision. In Italy, a study found that a mixture of these compounds called Anthocyanosides, along with Vitamin E stopped the progression of cataract formation in over 95% of study subjects experiencing early-stage progression of this disease.

But its secrets are not only now becoming known: British pilots back in World War 1 knew they were incredibly beneficial for the eyes, and consumed bilberries before flying.
Tasty fruits with similar compounds that improve vision include blueberry, cranberry, blackberry, grape, raspberry, and wild cherry.


One normally associates carrots with improved vision, but likely doesn’t know the range of benefits they offer. The carotenoids in carrots (which give it its distinct color) help prevent cataracts, prevent cancer, and reduce one’s risk of developing cardiovascular ailments.Other great sources of carotenoids include leafy greens, and fruits and vegetables that are orange, yellow, or red in color.


An excellent source of quercetin, a compound research has linked to prevention of cataracts in diabetics; onions are an extremely beneficial food to consume to heal the eyes. However, as most of the quercetin is found in the skin, it may be optimal to cook this portion of the onion as well when preparing meals.


The world’s richest source of Omega-3 fatty acids, purslane boasts a bounty of health benefits essential for supporting clear eyesight. It is rich in carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, and many antioxidants (including glutathione), which are all necessary for keeping the eyes healthy.


This compound found in high concentrations in the lens of the eye, where it plays an important role in keeping it healthy. Glutathione functions as an antioxidant, maintains the structure of the lens proteins, plays a role in various enzyme systems, and can also take part in the transport of amino acids and minerals.

However, modern-day ways of living have created a lack of this essential compound. As stated by optometrist and licensed acupuncturist, Marc Grossman, OD, “The majority of the cataracts I see are low in the antioxidant glutathione.” Thankfully it’s easy to get more: This powerful compound is found abundantly in raw fruits and vegetables, therefore eating more living foods will help restore.


This anti-inflammatory root contains a lot of carotenoids and vitamin C. It also shares carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, and anti-oxidants.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are rich in vitamin E and selenium – both nutrients help to prevent and inhibit cataracts.


Popeye was onto something! Spinach offers a bounty of lutein, which is known to help promote healthy vision and prevent other diseases of the eyes. This green is also rich in carotenoids and helps protect against cancer.

Source : http://www.trueactivist.com/8-foods-to-eat-for-healthier-eyes/

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